
Tuesday, March 02, 2004

its 5.45am and i'm just about to catch a train (or rather lift/bus/train/bus/train) to go to flagstaff. San Fran has found a place in my heart, although I think i'm alergic to it; lots of bugs and minor mishaps here and it feels like time to move on. I've had some great times and got some really good friends here but I need some quiet time to detox and refresh. I'll be in Flagstaff for a few days, including a trip to the grand canyon then Truth or Consequences in New mexico where I plan to do nothing except read, write and enjoy the hot springs. After that the pace will no doubt quicken because I'm going to Austin for South by South West (sxsw.com) and then.... who knows. Take care, I'll write when I'm near a computer (less often than I imagined actually; its great when life gets in the way of the internet). love from a very sleepy morag x


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